Maarten Kolk and Guus Kusters
Build and design during of the website for product designers Maarten Kolk and Guus kusters. The website was made during the intership at MKGK.
At the introduction of the website you can choose between their own collection or their art directing work. Through both pages you can find yourself in a collage kind of workspace. Everytime you click on Maarten Kolk and Guus Kusters you change the compositions of the workspace. The website is very clear and easy to navigate yourself in.

Maarten Kolk (1980) en Guus Kusters (1979) work together since 2009. They both graduated cum laude from the department Man and Leisure at Design Academy Eindhoven. They develop autonomous projects and work as exhibition designers and curators. The poetry they find in nature, history, color and landscape are the foundation of their work. They try to translate this into objects, material applications, exhibitions and innovative production methods.
Studio Maarten Kolk & Guus Kusters exhibited their work among others at Sotheby’s London, Zuiderzeemuseum Enkhuizen, MU Eindhoven, Textielmuseum Tilburg, Museum Boijmans van Beuningen Rotterdam and Design Museum Holon and is acquired by several museums and private collectors. They have been commissioned by clients as PROOFFlab and Thomas Eyck.
Studio Maarten Kolk & Guus Kusters exhibited their work among others at Sotheby’s London, Zuiderzeemuseum Enkhuizen, MU Eindhoven, Textielmuseum Tilburg, Museum Boijmans van Beuningen Rotterdam and Design Museum Holon and is acquired by several museums and private collectors. They have been commissioned by clients as PROOFFlab and Thomas Eyck.